Dear Ubuntu Contributors

The entire UBports community relies on these pages. Unfortunately, the correlation between porter’s work and the software capability list is a manual process. Therefore, we would appreciate it if you could help improve this website. Newcomers will benefit from your work!

Due to the natural characteristics of open source, information tends to be spread across and wide range of resources, and it can be a challenge to track everything down.

We encourage porters to bring everything together in one place and to keep the most relevant links for their devices up-to-date.

The list of properties that a device page can present may vary over time. However, the porters provide the mandatory information to establish a page with at least the essential info.

How can you help?

We noticed BQ Aquaris U Plus page has few missing properties from the last report

  • must have required property 'description'
  • must have required property 'subforum'
  • must have required property 'price'
  • must have required property 'kernelVersion'
  • /deviceInfo must have required property 'arch'
  • /deviceInfo must have required property 'dimensions'
  • /deviceInfo must have required property 'weight'
  • /deviceInfo must have required property 'releaseDate'
  • /contributors/0 must have required property 'role'
  • /sources must have required property 'issuesLink'
  • /portStatus/Cellular must have required property 'dualSim'
  • /portStatus/Cellular must have required property 'volumeControl'
  • /portStatus/Misc must have required property 'waydroid'
  • /portStatus/Network must have required property 'fmRadio'
  • /portStatus/Sensors must have required property 'dt2w'

Use these guidelines to fill the missing parts

Device description | Contributors | Meta Data | Device Info (Specifications)

Start editing

Autodetection status

Some features are automatically detected from codename and other properties, you can check if your device was detected correctly below:

  • Installer compatibility

    Couldn't detect installer compatibility for tenshi

  • Push server

    Codename not found on push server, tried tenshi

  • Release channels

    Found 8 release channels for tenshi

  • Repository activity

    Last activity from Halium/android_device_bq_tenshi at github

  • Forum category

    Cannot fetch forum activity, subforum property was not provided